I feel like I've been very neglectful of my blog...but I have an excuse. We just returned from a week of warmer climates! We started out in Ormond Beach, FL visiting my in-laws, then we all got on a ship for a quick cruise to the Bahamas...it was just so nice to be warm! We spent one day at Atlantis...love that place! We ended with a day at Disney Hollywood Studios... and about 5 rides on the Rock and Roll Roller Coaster! Now, back to reality and laundry...lots and lots of laundry...
I also need to get my mind back to scrappy things...some blog hops coming up and I'm teaching a class tomorrow at Right at Home Scrapbooking. These are the two layouts we'll be creating using My Mind's Eye Miss Caroline Fiddlesticks collection.

If you're interested in the class, it's tomorrow (Saturday) at Right at Home Scrapbooking. If you can't make the class, you can also ask for the kits while they last.
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